
免費咨詢熱線: 0538-3280336

  • 本森智能裝備(山東)有限公司
  • 電話:156 8882 9575
  • 郵編:0538- 3280336
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輕型碼垛協作機器人Lightweight palletizing cobots
發布時間:2024-05-14 09:02:37 | 瀏覽次數:



1. 安全性高


2. 靈活輕便


3. 易用性強


4. 多功能性


5. 成本效益



Lightweight palletizing cobots are robotic devices designed to perform automated palletizing tasks while being able to collaborate safely in a human working environment. This type of robot usually has the following characteristics:

1. High security

: Equipped with various sensors and safety mechanisms, such as torque limiting, emergency stop button, and collision detection system, to ensure that no harm is caused when interacting with people in close proximity.

2. Flexible and lightweight

Due to their emphasis on collaboration, they tend to be smaller and lighter, easy to deploy and reprogrammable, and suitable for a variety of work scenarios and line layout adjustments.

3. Strong ease of use

: Usually equipped with an intuitive programming interface, even non-experts can quickly get started, and complete the task configuration through graphical programming or drag-and-drop programming.

4. Versatility

In addition to basic palletizing (i.e. neat stacking of products), they can also perform tasks such as depalletizing, handling, packaging, etc., adapting to different production needs.

5. Cost-effective

Compared with traditional industrial robots, lightweight palletizing collaborative robots have lower acquisition and maintenance costs, which can help enterprises quickly realize automation upgrades and improve production efficiency.

These robots are widely used in many industries such as e-commerce logistics, food and beverage, medicine, and electronics manufacturing, effectively improving the automation level of warehousing and production processes.

 上一篇:箱體協作碼垛機器人Box collaborative palletizing robot
 下一篇:高精密自動化協作機器人碼垛機High-precision automated collaborative robot palletizer




電話:156 8882 9575

郵編:0538- 3280336

網址:www. fymaduoji. com


版權所有:本森智能裝備(山東)有限公司   電話:15688829575 備案號:魯ICP備19062121號-1    